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发表于 2016-12-9 19:32:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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2016 New Talent Award nominated photographers

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陈海舒Chen Haishu《Zona Rossa》

程新皓Cheng Xinhao《来源不同的时间 Different Sources of time》

高山Gao Shan《第八天 The Eighth Day》

郭国柱Guo Guozhu《流园 Lingering Garden》

古力予Gu Liyu《喧卑 Noisy》

杨圆圆Yang Yuanyuan《浪漫之旅Romantic Getaway/》

2016 EOS青年影像奖

2016 EOS Youth Image Awards

孙俊彬Sun Junbin《静静的南疆Quiet Southern Xinjiang》

  2016新锐摄影奖的下一阶段将移师上海,由美国艺术家、摄影师埃里克·索斯(Alec Soth),西班牙艺术家、摄影师克里斯提娜·德·美黛(Cristina De Middle),荷兰阿姆斯特丹FOAM摄影博物馆学术副馆长马塞尔·费尔(Marcel Feil)和日本策展人、G/P Gallery艺术总监后藤繁雄(Shigeo Goto)组成的终选评审团队将从六位入围摄影师中选出二〇一六新锐摄影奖的大奖得主,最终结果将于2017年1月8日揭晓。

  The next phase of the 2016 New Talent Awards will be moved to Shanghai by American artists, photographers Alec Soth, Spanish artists, photographers Cristina De Middle, The final panel of judges, Marcel Feil and Shigeo Goto, artistic director of G / P Gallery, will be selected from six finalist photographers from the Academy of Photography in Amsterdam, FOAM Photography Museum, Marcel Feil and the curator of Japan. In the election of the 2016 New Photography Award winner, the final result will be announced on January 8, 2017.


About New Talent Award


  Founded in 2010, the New Talent Award aims to build a high-quality platform for the discovery of outstanding photographic artists and photographic works, which is now the seventh. Awards In line with the principle of fairness and impartiality, encourage young people under the age of 35 for the photographic media itself and the times to keep questioning, select the same time to avoid obedience and uphold the absolute independence of photography, to present the youth creation status quo.

《Zona Rossa》

陈海舒 Chen Haishu

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  ▲《Zona Rossa》摄影部分


  陈海舒,1986年生于中国福建省福州市, 现工作生活于德国卡尔斯鲁厄。陈海舒以摄影作为主要媒介,并混合使用多种媒介,如文本、视频、电影和摄影书等。作品关注当代社会中人类的生存状态、集体情感和共同记忆。曾参加德国莱比锡摄影节、丹麦奥胡斯摄影书周、连州国际摄影节、abC艺术书展等国内外展览,并获得德国Spector Books图书奖、图虫网“摄影书房”佳作奖、德国卡尔斯鲁厄媒体与艺术中心(ZKM)发展基金会奖学金等奖项。

  Chen Haishu, born in 1986 in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China, now lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany. Chen Haishu takes photography as the main medium and mixes various media such as text, video, film and photographic books. Works focus on contemporary human existence, collective emotions and common memory. He has participated in the exhibitions of Leipzig Photography Festival in Germany, Aarhus Photography Week, Lianzhou International Photography Festival, abc Art Book Fair and other exhibitions. He has also won the Spector Books Book Award in Germany and the Photographic Study Award in Germany. Luck Media and Arts Center (ZKM) Development Foundation Scholarship and other awards.

  ▲《Zona Rossa》摄影书部分


《来源不同的时间Different Sources of time》

程新皓 Cheng Xinhao

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  Cheng Xinhao, born in 1985 in Yunnan. In 2013 graduated from the Peking University School of chemistry and molecular engineering, received a doctorate. Now works as an artist living in Kunming, Yunnan. Taking photography as the main medium, paying attention to the problems of modernization and contemporary knowledge production under the background of contemporary China.



《第八天The Eighth Day》

高山 Gao Shan

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  Gao Shan, was born in 1988 at AnYang Henan.



《流园Lingering Garden》

郭国柱 Guo Guozhu

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  ▲《流园》122°82′E 30°72′N



  Guo Guozhu, born in 1982 in Yongchun, Fujian Province, China, graduated from Nanchang Aviation University in 2005, now lives and works in Xiamen. Since 2002, he began to focus on "space" and social relations to start a narrative. In this clue, space is Guo Guozhu creative practice of the main carrier and object. He uses and depicts the space, is based on the individual spirit as the starting point, the final return to the social approach to expand the question.

  ▲《流园》122°82′E 30°72′N



古力予 Gu Liyu

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  Gu Liyu was born in 1998, now working and living in Leshan. In June 2014 began to contact photography. Take a photo tour of the movie.



《浪漫之旅 Blue Window, Two Roses》

杨圆圆 Yang Yuanyuan

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选自《浪漫之旅》(Blue Window, Two Roses)

2016 ©杨圆圆


  Yang Yuanyuan, born in 1989 in Beijing, received his undergraduate degree in photography from the University of the Arts in 2013 and currently resides in Beijing. She is keen to explore the possibility of visual narrative, the real and fictional elements, explore memory, history and time and other topics. Yang described his work as "weaving", in the form of images combined with text, in the works to build a complex network. Often at the beginning of a project, she will be in the city based on specific clues to carry out extensive research. Since then, the face of the research process to collect a large number of different types of material, in which to find the relevant point and start writing. Yang's practice includes a variety of media, mainly to photography, but also across the text, video, performances and other forms. The final form of the project is sometimes in books, sometimes in exhibitions, and sometimes both.

  ▲《奇迹时刻的留影 #1&2》效果图

选自《浪漫之旅》(Blue Window, Two Roses)

2016 ©杨圆圆

《静静的南疆Quiet Southern Xinjiang》

孙俊彬 Sun Junbin

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  Sun Junbin, born in 1986 in Chaozhou, Guangdong, graduated from South China Normal University in 2010 Department of photography, is the interface news China group news senior reporter.




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