《巴东奔牛》 陈富雷 摄影
第一步,投稿作品以(作品标题+作者姓名+手机号码+邮箱)的方式重命名。第二步,整理作品压缩文件包以(投稿赛事名称)命名并发送至邮箱:785231422@qq.com;第三步 ,联系客服QQ785231422&电话15762551908 0536-8866365提醒客服,并缴纳相关费用。第四步,静候获奖佳音。
5. Submission
(1) Print Submission
Size requirement: Rectangular print entries shall be 10 inches long (25.4 cm); square entries shall be 8*8 inches (20.32*20.32 cm).Each entry group shall consist of no more than six photos. The entries shall not be framed.
Address for print submission: Organizing Committee Office for the Third ChinažNingxia International Photography Exhibition on Muslim Customs, Floor 10, Pagoda Building, No. 88, Ning’an Street, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
6. Once the entries are selected for exhibition, the co-organizer will collect the original digital photographs for exhibition and album making.The entrants are required to submit the original digital documents (film entries shall be scanned)to the host within the stipulated period. Failure in submission will be deemed as waiving all rights.
7. This activity does not require entry fees and the entries will not be returned.
8. The entrants shall acknowledge and warrant that the submitted photographs are original work solely created by them, and that theyclaim the exclusive, complete, definite and unquestioned copyright of either the whole or part of the work; the entrants shallalso guarantee that the submittedentries do not infringe on the copyrights, portrait rights, rights of reputation and privacy of a third party.In case of disputes resulting from violating the above warrants, the entrants shall undertake all liabilities.
9. All entrants are deemed to agree on and proactively observe the regulations mentioned above. In case of incompatibility with rules of the exhibition, including copyrights infringements and authenticity problems, the host will disqualify the submitted photographs from exhibition and withdraw the awards and certificates of honor.
10. The entrantsshall be responsible fortaking all the losses and consequences caused by damage, loss, delay or non-arrival of the entries.
11. The host and co-organizerreserve the right of explaining this notice.
The host and co-organizer will organize renowned photographers and scholars both at home and abroad for the evaluation of entries.
There will be 200 entries selected and the award for each entry is 1,000 yuan.
The selected entries will be granted the Certificate of the Third ChinažNingxia International Photography Exhibition on Muslim Customs with the seals of the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and of the Organizing Committee Office for the Third ChinažNingxia International Photography Exhibition on Muslim Customs. The co-organizerNIFCPIEC will provide the awards and deduct the personal income tax on behalf of the selected entrants.
Appendix: Entry Formfor the Third ChinažNingxia International Photography Exhibition on Muslim Customs